Monday, July 12, 2010

"When I Cried At My Own Death"

"When I Cried At My Own Death"

It was a hot summer day in month of May 2001 in Chandigarh.Mercury was showing 42 degree's.
I was surrounded by books(Unlike me)sitting on the wet floor in my room, preparing for my final exams.The door and windows were covered with wet blanket, as my fan was very slow and i had spend all my money on booze, which i got from my Dad to buy a cooler.

Imagine, Wet floor, Door,windows covered with wet blanket.I Was Almost feeling like sitting in an AC room.I got up and went out for lunch(Paranthas in a local dhaba).On the way to Dhaba,i saw Liquor shop.Thought i will have my lunch, go back and prepare for my exams. But could not control myself and bought a bottle Chilled BEER and some snacks(we call it chakhna).Was feeling great,had my chilled beer and planned to take some rest after that.

I woke up and looked outside, it was totally dark. Was feeling very lazy and dizzy and felt i Got Fever. Now i was also feeling hungry, as i didn't had my lunch (Was on liquid Diet).

Now the worst part starts, i looked at clock hanging in front of me, to my surprise i was 11:30 PM. I was sure that i will not get food outside, and i had nothing to cook at home as well. This was not all, my roomie was missing(he was on date), and i didn't had a cell phone as billu(my roomie) has taken it with him. Anyhow i managed to get up and checked my temperature. Shockkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeedd 103... as it was showing on thermometer.

Now what? i thought... Exam on Monday, Fever, no food, no one take care and 2 books to finish. I shattered. Nothing came to my mind. I kept a wet piece of cloths on my stomach(had heard somewhere that if u do this u don't feel hungry for some time) and tried to sleep.

Suddenly i saw a poster on the wall,the text written on it was "GOD IS NEAR". I felt like Yamraaj is coming towards me, saying "Bacha Tumhara Waqt Poora Hua", and i was begging, please don't take me with you, i have my final Exam on monday. Yamraaj Said:but u didn't prepare for it, so whats the point of taking up the exam???He Didn't listen to me and started dragging me.

Now what i see was something i never even imagined. I saw my Dead body lying in front of my house. I was covered with white cloth, and some flowers on my body. I Was surrounded by people "everyone in white cloths". I could see my Mom,Dad,Sister my Grammy(80 yrs old)and my friends everyone crying loudly and endlessly. Now surprisingly i also stared CRYING with them. Suddenly somebody was knocking the the door. But i kept crying in-spite of the knocks. The sound was louder now.

I woke up... and what i see is "I was sweating and latterly Crying. I looked at the wall clock, it was morning 7AM. Now someone was hitting at my door. I opened the door, it was my roomie. I was still crying, and i hugged my friend.I told him the whole story. He got bit immolation but was laughing. Now i also accompanied him and was laughing out loud.

He took me to the doctor, and i was feeling much better now.We had our lunch,came back and started preparing for exams. Whenever i think about this dream, can't stop laughing. There will be no one in this World who has cried on his own death.
But i can proudly say that "I Cried At My Own Death".

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